Submit Student Absence Note

  • School starts promptly at 8:00 AM.
  • Students entering the building without a medical note after this time will receive an unexcused tardy. 
  • School is dismissed at 3:10 PM.
  • A parent or medical note is required for ALL absences.
  • All notes must be submitted electronically or turned in to the attendance clerk within five days of the student’s return.
  • Medical notes can be scanned and emailed to Melinda Garner
  • The Parent/Guardian email used in the electronic form below must match the email we have on record in PowerSchool.
  • Once you submit your note, you will receive an email confirmation from [email protected]

Reason for Student Absence

Complete the form below and click submit to send a note to the office.

You must complete each section for your note to be accepted.

Parent/Guardian email address for verification and confirmation.

Today's Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Parent/Guardian's First/Last Name

Student's First (legal)/Last Name
List the date(s) your child was not in attendance. List all dates to be covered by this note.

Explain why your child was absent on the date(s) listed above. 



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