Student Cell Phone Policy
Students in grades 6-12 are permitted to have cell phones at school. The cell phones are not to be visible or used during the school day. Phones cannot be taken out at anytime during the school day or at anytime inside the school building. Cell phones should be turned off during the school day. Students are not to make or receive cell phone calls or texts during the school day. A violation of these rules will have the following consequences. These punishments are minimum consequences. Additional punishment could result if for instance a student disrupted class as a result of using his/her cell phone. School Administration will take into consideration our school is now 1:1.
1. 1st Offense: Confiscate phone and call the parent to pick it up. Phones will not be returned to student.
2. 2nd Offense: 1 day ISS
3. 3rd Offense: 1 day OSS
4. 4th Offense: 2 days OSS
5. 5th Offense: 3 days OSS and so on